
艺术家 | Artist

陈文华  董钧  葛宇路  耿雪  雎安奇  冀北  

柯明  李怒  李舜  梁绍基  罗旖旎  沈凌昊

石玩玩  盛剑锋  魏子涵   邬羽乔  夏天  

辛云鹏  许翔  姚聪  杨晨  余果  郑江  



艺术总监 :李小山

策展人 :陈瑞

策展团队 :高雅 毛春海 曲俊 唐玲 王韵 徐轩露

地点 | Venue


日期 | Duration

2023.10.10 - 2023.10.29









This exhibition is titled Realism Filter, which is not a typological or stylistic analysis, but focuses more on the artists' way of looking at things and their means of expression, reflecting their reflections on the present.

I don't want to use "ism" to define a certain exhibition, phenomenon or group, but it is undeniable that "realism" is a special existence. Realism is a term with a sense of history in art history. Art styles may change, but its attitude of reflecting the objective spirit will never go out of fashion. Here, it is more like a platform that can carry the open and diversified genes to expand, and generate new expressions in different contexts. Can have different roles and definitions in different fields, can also carry magic, transcendence, rationality, rebellion ...... which leaves us a huge space for imagination.

And the filter has become one of the most everyday reality, ubiquitous. Turn on your cell phone to take a picture and camera, beauty retouching has become an automatically generated technology, not to mention the "virtual reality" picture constructed by the new technology. From technology to behavior to thought, there is no doubt that there will be a subtle "filter" influence. When we stand in front of the work, the light and shadow filters that are projected are intertwined with each person's own filters, mapping out a new picture of realism.

This is the realism of the present, but also the filter of the times.


Chen Rui

October, 2023


