
艺术家 | Artist





地点 | Venue


日期 | Duration

2023.03.18 - 2023.04.16










A Preface to “The Lesser Mountain”

 A few years ago, Tiande told me that he had already decided on the title “The Lesser Mountain” for his next exhibition. He emphasized that the exhibition is related to me, as its name suggests. Even when the selected works were not finalized, he named the exhibition as if the egg came before the chicken. This is his typical style of doing things - not playing by the rules. Tiande has always been rigorous in his personal and professional life, which is recognized of by those who know him. Particularly in terms of art creation, he strives for perfection to the point of self-torture. It should be praised, while many other artists are careless in their work, thinking that they are free-spirited but making others speechless.

The exhibition “The Lesser Mountain” was originally scheduled for the spring of 2021. The delay of two years was due to force majeure events, as explained in official terms. Fortunately, as time passed, everything was left behind. The relaunch of the “The Lesser Mountain” project comes at the right time. In Tiande’s words, he only focuses on one thing at a time, and under any circumstances, he keeps working on his art until he is satisfied with the result. While some people are complaining or slacking off, Tiande never has time for that because stopping one’s steps would mean losing everything. In the end, time is the fairest in the world, because it will reward you as you treat it. Many works in the selection of “The Lesser Mountain” are Tiande’s recent creations, which proves the adage that you reap what you sow.

 Tiande has a unique presence in the field of ink painting. He doesn’t make loud voices or dramatic gestures, but in everyone's mind, his weight is palpable and cannot be ignored by anyone. His works in different periods, such as “Ink Banquet,” “Chinese Costumes,” and "Digital Series," are one-of-a-kind. Tiande is confident, self-fulfilled, calm, and open-minded. He is not like many people in the art circle who have big talk but have little substance or claim themselves to be the best. He once said that everyone had their own strengths, and his are unique. This is the basic attitude of a good artist. Bragging only causes disgust, while self-knowledge and humility are expressions of culture and virtue.

 Yesterday, when I called Tiande to talk about the exhibition, I could hear the background noise over the phone—the sound of electric saws and hammering. Tiande told me that he was busy working with his assistants, drenched in sweat. Yes, this is his style: hands-on and meticulous. He briefly described his thoughts about the paintings, installations, and exhibition layout. I have no doubt that this will be an open, refined, and interesting exhibition. Congratulations to Tiande. I wish him a successful exhibition!


Li Xiaoshan

March 8th, 2023