

Art Exhibition of Otto Dix——Kritische Grafik 1920-1924/ "Der Krieg" Radierwerk, 1924


Hall 4


2012.11.20 - 2012.12.20

Host: German foreign cultural relations institute, Goethe institute(China)

Undertaker: Nanjing University of the Arts Fine Art Institute

Dates: 20/11/2012-20/12/2012

Opening ceremony:15:00, Tuesday, 20/11/2012

Venue: Hall 4, Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts

Exhibition by Otto Dix will be held on November 20th

and last to December 20th . 86 of Otto Dix’s art works are on show,

including copperplate etchings and lithographs.

Highlight of this exhibition is a group of copperplate etchings,

of which has a special status among Otto Dix’s art works.

Otto Dix was enlisted as machine gunner during World War I, this experience

influenced his whole life, and also his creation.

There will be a series of activities that match the exhibition, a lecture given by

Volker Adolfo Adams ,German curator, keeper of exhibition department of Bonn

Museum of Art, dialogue between Chinese artists and German artists.