
Time:10/10/2013 2:00pm

Address:Host 5 of Art Museum Nanjing University of the Arts

AMNUA The series of sketch/ⅠSketch· Expressions And Limits. ⅡThe Great Sketch——walking with master.Ⅲ The Sketch Work.

Back to the basis of sketch, how to realize arts education, achieve an individual’s growth and promote a public common cognition? As the part of demand and display of《Sketch· Expressions And Limits》,the series activities of《The Sketch Work》 also would be based on the concept of ‘basic sketch’, discussing and doing some works in particular. The form of《The Sketch Work》includes artists programs, introduction, discussion and the work space for authors. The artists program which would be created and practiced by parts of artists combining this exhibition is an educational program in this exhibition, aiming at providing a district form for sketch to affect the public space. The work space of organizations and authors will be accessible to a wilder sketch and public education environment, trying to discuss the arts and social institution or system by the way of sketch work.

The Sketch Work——what art do you want to design?

Participation /Media College of Nanjing University of the Arts Class 2014 Digital Media, Animation

Host/Gao Lei

Organizer/ Art Museum of Nanjing University of the Arts

Media College of Nanjing University of the Arts

Dates/10/10/2013 2:00pm

10/11/2013 8:00am

Venue/ Host 5 of Art Museum Nanjing University of the Arts